Rebuild Your Website with Open Source Libraries: Timber, Bedrock, and Sage

Rebuild Your Website with Open Source Libraries: Timber, Bedrock, and Sage

In today’s digital era, having a website is crucial for businesses to attract customers, build brand reputation, and establish online presence. As website technology evolves rapidly, it is essential to keep up with the latest trends and standards to ensure optimal performance, security, and scalability. This is where IT360 can help you by migrating your existing WordPress site to modern infrastructure based on cloud hosting, horizontal scaling architecture, and using open source libraries like Timber, Bedrock, and Sage for advanced WordPress development.

Timber is a PHP-based library that helps you create fully-customized WordPress themes faster with more sustainable code. With Timber, you write your HTML using the Twig Template Engine separate from your PHP files. This separates the logic and data from presentation, which makes it easier to manage and maintain your theme code. The clean separation of code also allows for easier collaboration among team members, as each developer can work on their own part of the code without interfering with the others.

Bedrock is another open-source library that is an ideal starting point for using Composer with WordPress. Composer is a PHP dependency manager that helps with team collaboration and makes development more reliable. Bedrock uses Dotenv to manage environment-specific configuration, which allows for easy configuration of different values based on the environment your site is running in. Bedrock’s structure limits access to non-public files and offers more secure passwords through wp-password-bcrypt. By default, Bedrock disables the ability for plugins and themes to be added, removed, or modified on non-development environments, which adds an extra layer of security to your site.

Sage is an advanced WordPress starter theme with a modern development workflow. It provides modern PHP templating features in your WordPress theme, like template inheritance and components. Sage uses Blade Templates from Laravel for easy templating, and asset builds are handled by bud.js, a high-performance build system built on top of webpack. Sage includes a theme.json file that is automatically generated from your Tailwind CSS config, which is used to configure the new WordPress editor. Your defined fonts, colors, and spacing are available in the editor, and you can use Tailwind classes in your templates to rapidly build out your theme.

So why should you rebuild your website using open source libraries like Timber, Bedrock, and Sage and move it to cloud hosting? Firstly, it will help you to improve the performance and scalability of your website. Cloud hosting provides a flexible and scalable infrastructure that allows you to handle traffic spikes and accommodate growth without compromising performance. Secondly, using open source libraries like Timber, Bedrock, and Sage helps you to write cleaner, more sustainable code, which makes it easier to maintain, debug, and collaborate. Lastly, it provides an opportunity to update your website design and features to keep up with the latest trends and standards.

In conclusion, rebuilding your website using open source libraries like Timber, Bedrock, and Sage and migrating it to cloud hosting is a wise investment for your business. It will help you to improve your website’s performance, scalability, security, and maintainability while providing an opportunity to update your design and features. Contact IT360 today to learn more about our services and how we can help you to achieve your website goals.